Careers Blog

Organising the department Christmas party - as a new grad!

12 Dec 2017 - Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Upon joining Hymans as a graduate in Actuarial & Benefits, I was able to attend numerous induction and training sessions which were extremely helpful for settling in. However, another perhaps more unique opportunity that the new graduates get involved every year in is organising the department Christmas party!

This was quite an exciting yet daunting prospect for someone who had just joined. We were advised by the previous graduates of some of the event requirements - three course meal, private area, a sensible distance from the office, a dance floor and to arrange secret Santa - then we were left to start the planning!

Luckily, as a team of seven, we were able to divide the jobs between us. Finding a venue was the first job and the biggest, so we all got involved in researching local venues and what they could offer then added them all into a spreadsheet (obviously given our job!). We narrowed down the extensive list of options and organised visits to several, heading out a couple of lunchtimes and weekday evenings. One venue in particular stood out and after a week or so of deliberating (as well as bargaining for what other freebies they could add in) we made the booking.

Then came the fun part! Invitations and food menus were sent out, table plans arranged, secret Santa notes were delivered personally via candy canes and costumes were organised (yes, the new grads go in Christmas fancy dress, which was fun).

What we realised soon into organising is that actually this experience was a really valuable one. A lot of relevant skills were utilised during the process and it was also a great way of getting to know everyone in the department.

As I am writing this, it is the day before the party and everything is good to go. Fingers crossed it all works out on the night!

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