
Hymans Robertson On... Episode 71

Guaranteed Income Products in retirement

30 Sep 2022


In this episode of Hymans Robertson On... our host, Kathryn Fleming is joined by Mark Baker, Senior Policy Researcher at the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI), and Mark Ormston, Director of Propositions & Corporate Partnerships at Retirement Line. 

During the episode, we discuss the recent research from the PPI, which focuses on how future pensioners will use guaranteed income products. We’ll explore the changes in the behaviours of people approaching retirement; retirement archetypes; and how the industry can be more creative with annuities.

If you have any questions on anything discussed in this podcast, please get in touch.

Key Topics
  • PPI Research
  • Future pensions
  • Guaranteed income products


Kathryn Fleming

by Kathryn Fleming

Mark Ormston

by Mark Ormston
Director of Propositions & Corporate Partnerships at Retirement Line

Mark Baker

by Mark Baker
Senior Policy Researcher at PPI