
Approaching your 2024 valuation

03 Jun 2024

As 2024 valuations get underway, it’s safe to say that the environment for DB schemes is very different to what it was three years ago. It’s likely you’re in quite a different position and it’s important to create the time and space to fully consider how your funding strategy should evolve.

It’s an exciting time for the DB pensions market. Funding levels have improved and buy-out affordability has accelerated materially for many schemes. The ‘Mansion House’ consultations are stimulating debate on whether to buy-out or run-on and share value between members and sponsors. Add the new funding code due to launch later this year, a very busy risk transfer market, and the emergence of new endgame solutions into the equation, and schemes have an awful lot to consider.

Click the button below, to explore some of the themes to build into your valuation discussions in 2024.


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