
From RPI to CPIH – what should insurers be considering ahead of 2030 reforms?

11 Feb 2022

On 16th December 2021, amid concerns about inflation, and with an impending wave of Omicron virus, the Bank of England raised interest rates in the month of December for only the second time in 45 years. 

This article considers why the level of future assumed inflation is important to life insurers, why the gap between the different measures of inflation has increased recently and what actions insurers are taking in response. It also touches on some implications of RPI reform.

Download our full blog to read more about:

  • Why future price inflation is so important for insurers
  • Why there is a gap, and why it has widened during 2021
  • What actions insurers are taking
  • How  Hymans Robertson can help

Click to read our full article

If you would like to discuss how the differences between RPI and CPIH in combination with the proposed transition of indexation for 2030 affects your business, please get in touch.

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