
High inflation and the consequences for DB pensions

03 Mar 2022

High inflation is particularly bad news for those on fixed pensions. Whilst pensioners whose income increases in line with inflation may be better placed than many to handle this, most inflation protection is limited. Here we look more closely at the current inflationary landscape and consider what this means for benefits in defined benefit (DB) pension schemes.

With rising prices set to significantly push up the cost of living in 2022, should trustees and sponsors brace themselves for calls to revive discretionary pension increases? 

Download our briefing note where we discuss:

  • Current inflation and outlook
  • How inflation impacts pensions
  • Why high inflation isn’t good news for those on fixed pensions or with limited protection
  • Actions to consider including how you might approach calls for discretionary increases

To discuss the circumstances specific to your scheme, please get in touch. We’d be delighted to help.

High inflation and the consequences for DB pensions


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