
Managing risk in the LGPS

A spotlight on employer investment strategies

31 Aug 2023

Utilising employer investment strategies to manage risk for LGPS employers.

LGPS employers are increasingly looking for more options within their Fund, to manage their risks and control their costs. Funds can use employer investment strategies as another tool to strike a balance between contribution stability and balance sheet movements.

LGPS employers have tailored funding plans, set to achieve employers’ funding objectives. These funding plans hinge on the level of contributions that the employer pays in, but benefits aren’t funded by contributions alone. Long-term investment returns are crucial to keep employer contributions affordable. 

However, with only a single investment option in a Fund, employers can face very limited options when trying to achieve their wider funding objectives. A single investment strategy will meet the funding objective for a Fund as a whole, but is it the best fit for all of its employers?

In this publication, Julie Baillie looks at: 

  • What's changed within employer investment strategies?
  • What can be done?
  • What might employer focused investment
    strategies look like?
  • Implementing different investment strategies


You can also watch our webinar on-demand, where Robbie McInroy is joined by Julie Baillie, and guest speaker, Alex Younger from Norfolk Pension Fund, to discuss employer investment strategies.

If you have any questions on anything covered in this publication, please get in touch. 

Managing risk in the LGPS: a spotlight on employer investment strategies


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