
Pension Investment Review: call for evidence – our LGPS response

26 Sep 2024

After last year’s government consultation on the future of LGPS investments provided a clear indication of their desires, the new government wasted no time in continuing the trajectory. After announcing their Pensions Review on 20 July, they quickly launched a call for evidence to all interested parties, with a deadline of 25 September.

We fully support the government’s ambitions for the UK economy and the recognition that increased investment can catalyse growth. As long-term investors, the LGPS can make appropriate investments to support the UK economy, building on what it has achieved already. However, this must be done without losing sight of the core purpose of the LGPS of paying members’ benefits when they fall due.

Investments in the UK should be driven primarily by the quality and suitability of the available investment opportunities. We trust the Government will consider how it can make available such opportunities and increase the attractiveness as investments for the LGPS. As part of this process, the best outcome will be achieved with the Government and LGPS community working together to identify solutions and future evolution of the scheme.

Download our full LGPS response

If you have any questions on our response, or would like to discuss anything further, please get in touch.

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