
A guide for employers on sole trusteeship and market providers

The coming of age of sole trusteeship

28 Jun 2021

Download our publication now where we explore the impact of sole trusteeship on sponsors, trustees and the broader pensions market. 

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We estimate schemes governed by professional corporate sole trustees (“sole trustees”) are around 10% of the overall DB universe today, but our survey of professional trustees shows that they are strongly of the view that this is set to change rapidly in the next few years. 

This could mean that schemes governed by sole trustees are perhaps 20% or more of the overall DB universe in 5 years’ time.

We believe that sole trusteeship can provide benefits to some schemes but it is important for employers to appropriately test the suitability of the governance model for their scheme and have regard to the new voluntary code in running the appointment process.

Professional trustees have shared the main drivers for employers moving to this governance approach and in our view, there are a range of ways to address these drivers. If sole trusteeship is the solution, it is worth revisiting how you manage the scheme to maximise the possible benefits of the approach.

Our sole trustee guide for employers focuses on:

  • What is a professional corporate sole trustee?
  • The results of our 2020 survey on the sole trustee landscape
  • A closer look at the sole trustee model
  • The professional corporate sole trustee market
  • Appointing a sole trustee

We hope you find our report insightful and interesting. We’d be happy to discuss any aspects with you so please do get in touch.

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