

Together, stepping into the future of the LGPS

30 May 2024

What does the future hold for the LGPS? Together, with over 70 LGPS fund representatives, we tried to answer that very question at our 2024 LGPS Conference on 16 May.

The day was full of insightful sessions, leaving funds with considerations for the future and how the LGPS may evolve. We even had some gameshow hosting from Iain Campbell, and a live chatbot demo from Chris Varley.

If you were unable to join us on the day, we've produced a conference highlights publication that summarises each session in more detail.

You can also hear from our speakers and delegates in our video below, on their highlights and key takeaways from the day.

If you would like to discuss any of these areas in more detail or have any questions, please get in touch.

Download our conference highlights


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