
How to play your part

COP26 and the journey to net zero - LGPS Stream

09 Nov 2021


In November, the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) was hosted in Glasgow. This event brought together world leaders to progress the goals of the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rises to 1.5oC and reduce carbon emissions. Reaching this target requires concerted policy action and is dependent on countries accelerating their plans to reach net zero emissions. Significant change is needed over the next decade.

The global scale of the challenges ahead can often feel insurmountable, but financial institutions will have a significant impact on whether or not we are successful, reflected in the “mobilise finance” goal of COP26. 

The transition to a low carbon economy presents a generational challenge but also offers up opportunities for long-term investors like the LGPS. This session brought net zero targeting to life by exploring the practical steps that Funds can take in collaboration with their peers and Pools, to ensure they are able to successfully navigate the transition and play a key role in driving the necessary change.

We also welcomed a representative from an LGPS Fund, an LGPS Pool and a Fund Manager to sit alongside one of our investment consultants as part of an open Panel discussion.

Key Topics
  • Practical steps for Funds to navigate the transition
  • Collaborating with peers and Pools
  • Panel discussion with an LGPS Fund, Pool and Fund Manager


David Walker

by David Walker
Chief Investment Officer

Kameel Kapitan

by Kameel Kapitan
Investment Consultant

Andre Frei

by Andre Frei
Partner, Chairman of Sustainability, Partners Group

Jane Firth

by Jane Firth
Head of Responsible Investment, Border to Coast Pensions Partnership

Owen Thorne

by Owen Thorne
Investment Manager, Merseyside Pension Fund