Webinar replay
COVID-19 - Driving your responsible investment agenda in challenging times
07 May 2020
Replay the fourth webinar in our series where we focused on why responsible investment and ongoing stewardship has a vital role to play during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.
In this webinar, our responsible investment experts shared practical tips that trustees and governance committees can take forward in the short term to help you remain on course with your longer term ESG objectives. They examined why responsible investment considerations, particularly an active approach to stewardship, is especially important during these more challenging times and how they can promote successful long term outcomes for your members.
We were delighted to be joined by Robeco, a sustainability-focused investment manager and engagement specialist, who shared their experiences of engaging with companies in the current environment and the key areas that they're focussing on.
We also shared key findings from our latest stewardship survey.
Key Topics
- Responsible Investment
- Stewardship