
Webinar replay

What does the financial landscape look like for the charity sector?

15 Nov 2022 : 10:00 - 11:00

The last few years have been a tough time for charities. The COVID-19 pandemic has put fundraising and retail income under a significant financial strain and increased demand for charitable services. The pressure on finances continues with the cost of living crisis and therefore the ability to supporting projects and those in need.

In addition, DB pension schemes of Charities (as with the wider market) are now under pressure to review liability-driven investment strategies and de-risking triggers in light of volatile gilt markets. Pension schemes without full hedging in place may well have seen recent funding level improvements and be considering approaches to lock in those gains. 

Watch our on-demand webinar, where our experts discussed the financial landscape within the charity sector and some of the key challenges they will be facing over the coming months 

The webinar aims to provide trustees, lawyers, and accountants working with charities, DB charity pension schemes and endowments with further knowledge and tools to consult and advise their clients over the difficult months to come. 

Don’t worry if you couldn't join live, sign up anyway and you'll be able to access the webinar on-demand, at a time convenient for you.

This sector is really close to our hearts and we truly want to provide support where we can to enable charities to be financially resilient and sustainable. So, please do reach out if you would like to have a short call to discuss your particular circumstances. You never know how much a conversation can help. 

To find out more visit our webpage or for questions on anything covered during the webinar please get in touch.

Key Topics
  • Growing the asset base in a time of high inflation
  • Impact of the evolution of Responsible Investment approach and climate impact
  • Managing and protecting reserves in a volatile financial background
  • The impact of funding pension promises on charity finances, including key results from our annual 'Charities Benchmarking' report and opportunities arising from recent market conditions.


Matt Woodman

by Matt Woodman
Senior Investment Consultant & Head of Charities Investment Advice

Heather Allingham

by Heather Allingham
Actuary & Head of Pensions Consulting for Charities

Chris Arcari

by Chris Arcari
Head of Capital Markets