

Effective Business Planning in the LGPS - Session 1

10 Nov 2022 : 10:30 - 11:30

As we're now in November, LGPS funds will be starting to think about the initial stages of their business planning cycle. 

There are a number of stages to the successful implementation and delivery of a business plan. The first webinar in our two-part series took place on 10 November where Susan Black and Kate Dickson discussed:

  • Best practice for reviewing your previous business plan
  • Horizon scanning - what things should your Fund be thinking about for 2023/24?
  • Resource planning 
  • The importance of engaging with your Committee and Board in the planning stages

The second webinar in this series will take place on 15 February 2023 and will focus on: 

  • Objective setting
  • Prioritisation
  • Implementation of your business plan

Don't worry if you couldn't join live, sign up now to watch on-demand, at a time convenient to you.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Key Topics
  • Reviewing your previous business plan
  • What things should your Fund be thinking about for 2023/24?
  • Resource planning 
  • The importance of engaging


Kate Dickson

by Kate Dickson
Senior Project Manager

Susan Black

by Susan Black
Head of LGPS Governance, Administration & Projects