

Making your LGPS training a success

16 Jun 2023 : 11:00 - 11:45


Whether the focus has been on Committee, Board, Officer or Employers, LGPS training delivery is a key objective for LGPS funds. 

Training requirements are expected to increase and be a key component and solution to the continued improvement of governance at funds. But with much more expected, how can funds meet and succeed with their training goals?

Watch our webinar on-demand where we focus on the comprehensive training support that Hymans Robertson is providing to LGPS funds, how our solutions have been implemented and the training methods we have seen succeed.

In this session, we covered:

  • Dealing with the challenge of engagement
  • Training strategies and training plans
  • The support options available to you from Hymans

Don't worry if you were unable to join live, sign up now and you'll be able to access the webinar on-demand, at a time convenient to you. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Key Topics
  • Engagement
  • Training strategies and plans
  • Hymans support options


Andrew McKerns

by Andrew McKerns
Senior Governance and Administration Consultant

Ian Colvin

by Ian Colvin
Head of LGPS Benefit Consulting