

Setting your Funding Strategy at the 2022 Valuation

20 Jun 2022 : 11:00 - 11:45


Catch the fourth webinar in our LGPS 2022 Valuation series, where Robert Bilton is joined by Laura McInroy and Steven Scott to discuss setting your funding strategy for the 2022 valuation. 

In this session, our experts focus on topical areas of your funding strategy and how to effectively manage these risks, including:

  • Setting a strategy which is clear and transparent for your employers
  • Getting the most out of your Funding Strategy Statement
  • Reviewing and optimising your investment strategy

If you have any questions about anything covered in this webinar, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Key Topics
  • Setting your funding strategy
  • Employer funding strategy: using every tool in the toolbox


Robert Bilton

by Robert Bilton
Partner and Actuary

Laura McInroy

by Laura McInroy
Head of LGPS Valuations

Steven Scott

by Steven Scott
Partner and Actuary