
Understanding and managing the company accounting impacts of pension scheme buy-ins

23 Nov 2022 : 10:00-11:00

The company accounting impacts of completing a pension scheme buy-in are not well understood. Unfortunately, these accounting impacts are one of the main reasons why some buy-in projects, which would otherwise greatly benefit all stakeholders, do not proceed. The company accounting impacts can be particularly challenging for whole-scheme buy-ins, that cover most or all of a pension scheme’s liabilities and these transactions will be increasingly common.

Before embarking on a buy-in project, it is therefore critical that both sponsoring employers and trustees have a common understanding of how the company accounting standard works and to help inform how best to structure the project to get the best outcome for all parties and to avoid unwanted surprises.

In our latest webinar, we looked at understanding and managing the company accounting impacts of pension scheme buy-ins. We were delighted to be joined by David Cumming from KPMG to explore:

  • the company accounting impact of both buy-in and buy-out transactions;
  • the different auditor interpretations of the grey areas within the accounting standards; and
  • case studies of the accounting impacts of different ways of structuring buy-in transactions.

Following this webinar, we have put together this useful report which summarises some of the key themes and Q&A.

Don't worry if you couldn't join live, sign up anyway and you'll be able to access the webinar on-demand, at a time convenient to you.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Key Topics
  • Company accounting impact
  • Different auditor interpretations
  • Case studies of accounting impacts


James Mullins

by James Mullins
Partner & Head of Risk Transfer Solutions

Leonard Bowman

by Leonard Bowman
Partner & Head of Corporate Consulting

David  Cumming

by David Cumming
Head of Technical Accounting, KPMG