Press Releases

SSE complete £1.2bn of longevity risk hedging through two buy-ins and a longevity swap 10 Aug 2017

SSE plc, the FTSE 100 energy company, has worked with two of the DB pension schemes which it sponsors to deliver a landmark project that will hedge £1.2bn of longevity risk through two buy-in transactions and a longevity insurance.

UK buy-in demand set to quadruple over the next 15 years 09 Aug 2017

Demand for bulk annuity buy-ins is set to skyrocket over the next 15 years and an estimated £700 billion of defined benefit pension scheme liabilities could have been passed to insurance companies by 2032, a report published today by Hymans Robertson reveals.

GO Live technology launched 24 Jul 2017

Hymans Robertson’s award-winning GO technology has been further enhanced by the leading pensions and benefits consultancy.

Response to the State Pension age increase 19 Jul 2017

Calum Cooper, Partner at Hymans Robertson responds to the government’s announcement to increase the state pension age (Spa) to 68, seven years earlier than initially planned.

The Treasury confirms MPAA will be cut to £4,000 13 Jul 2017

Rona Train, Partner, responds to the Treasury's decision. 

Our response to the FCA Retirement Outcome Interim Review 12 Jul 2017

Head of DC Consulting, Lee Hollingworth responds to a number of worrying trends emerging in the FCA Retirement Outcomes Interim Review.

Our response to the FCA's Asset Management Study 28 Jun 2017

John Walbaum, Head of Investment Consulting responds to the FCA's Asset Management Study.

Life expectancy amongst affluent men rising faster than the rest of the UK 26 Jun 2017

Club Vita and the PLSA have published a joint report which shows that life expectancy amongst affluent men in the UK is rising faster than any other group, and faster than the national trends seen over the last five years. The report suggests this trend could have significant implications for Defined Benefit pension schemes as typically over half of their liabilities will be in this ‘comfortable’ group.

Responding to the proposed FCA consultation on DB transfer advice 22 Jun 2017

“This consultation is as welcome as it is long overdue. George Osborne threw a curveball at the entire pension industry when he introduced freedom and choice back in March 2014."

Calum Cooper comments on the news an unnamed financial services group has seen its liabilities cut by a tenth in 6 months 19 Jun 2017

Calum Cooper comments on the news that the Defined Benefit (DB) scheme of an unnamed financial services group has seen its liabilities cut by a tenth in 6 months due to members cashing in their benefits.

What we'd like to see from the new Pensions Secretary and Pensions Minister 14 Jun 2017

Chris Noon, Partner comments on what we’d like the new Pensions Secretary and Pension Minister to think about as they take up their posts.

Our response to June's General Election result 09 Jun 2017

The only thing we can be certain of is more uncertainty. Uncertainty over Brexit and uncertainty over the future policies of the next UK Government.

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Rowena Swatton
Rowena Swatton
Stephanie Stern
Stephanie Stern
Patrice Seaforth
Patrice Seaforth