Press Releases

88% of DB trustees and employers say they should do more to help members with retirement choices 24 May 2017

Nearly 9 out of 10 (88%) trustees and employers of DB Schemes believe they should be doing more to communicate with members over their retirement choices post Freedom and Choice, according to a poll conducted by Hymans Robertson.

The College of Law Pension & Assurance Scheme completes fourth pensioner buy-in 22 May 2017

The College of Law Pension & Assurance Scheme has completed a fourth pensioner buy-in, of £28m, with Aviva. 

Our response to the political parties' manifestos 18 May 2017

We comment on the political parties' pension manifestos ahead of the General Election

Excess risk is a greater issue than affordability for UK DB schemes 16 May 2017

In response to the DWP's Green paper we believe risk is the main issue facing UK DB schemes, and must be the key focus. Excellence in risk management, and using the funding flexibilities available, should be schemes’ main priority, putting a spotlight on improving benefit security.

DC schemes should give more thought to how benefit statements are calculated 12 May 2017

As members receive their SMPIs for 2017/18, schemes have a duty to provide context, reassurance and guidance through their communications. Otherwise there is a risk that members will have knee-jerk reactions and be put off saving.

What should be in the political parties’ pension manifestos? 10 May 2017

What should be in the political parties’ pension manifestos?

Triple Lock only gives pensioners £2 extra per week 04 May 2017

State Pensioners get £2.04 per week more from the implementation of triple lock, than from the double lock, and £7.02 more than if the pension was based solely on price inflation according to our research. While these extra pounds mean a lot to the recipients, such figures would be insignificant to government costs weighed up against the political impact of removing the triple lock.

Trustees and employers need to do more to safeguard DB pensions from poor decisions and scams 27 Apr 2017

Two years on from pension freedoms, trustees and employers need to do more to safeguard over £100bn of defined benefit (DB) pensions at risk from poor decisions and scams.

trustees and employers need to do more to safeguard over £100bn of defined benefit (DB) pensions at risk from poor decisions and scams.

Thoughts on buy-in market trends - April 2017 26 Apr 2017

James Mullins, Head of Risk Transfer responds to the findings of the April edition of our Buy-in Monitoring Service.

Calibre of job applicants boosted by highlighting ‘financial security’ job benefits 05 Apr 2017

Employers have a 12% higher chance of attracting the most talented candidates if they advertise the role’s ‘financial security’ benefits, such as employer pension contributions, according to our new research.

Launching our 'on-demand' analytics service 05 Apr 2017

Hymans Robertson, has launched an ‘on demand’ cashflow, funding and risk analytics service. This is in response to a changing pension landscape where freedom and choice can have a material impact on membership and the future funding, risk and cashflow outlook of schemes. 

LISAs or Pensions? 04 Apr 2017

The under 40s don’t have to make an ‘either/or’ choice between Lifetime ISA (LISA) and pensions, but it is vital they consider tax efficiency when they make decisions, warns Hymans Robertson, the leading pensions and benefits consultancy. 

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Rowena Swatton
Rowena Swatton
Stephanie Stern
Stephanie Stern
Patrice Seaforth
Patrice Seaforth