Press Releases

Comment on the DWP’s call for evidence on Options for Defined Benefit schemes 05 Sep 2023

Commenting on the DWP’s call for evidence on Options for Defined Benefit schemes, Patrick Bloomfield, Partner and Senior Actuary, Hymans Robertson, said:

“The focus on boosting DB investment in UK productive finance assets has a sense of putting the cart before the horse. What we need are policies that create a DB renaissance, to align DB schemes with wider social interests, by extending time horizons and increasing risk appetites. This would lead to the investment in productive assets and higher savings rates that the Government desires...

Hymans Robertson DC team responds to Mansion House consultations 01 Sep 2023

Commenting on the DWP consultation on Helping savers understand their pension choices, Kathryn Fleming, Partner, Hymans Robertson, said:

“We wholeheartedly agree with the consultation’s proposals to offer support for those who find the decisions they need to make at the point of access daunting and to help trustees provide less engaged members with default options...

Hymans Robertson named UK Stewardship Code signatory for the third year 30 Aug 2023

Hymans Robertson is pleased to have been listed as a signatory to the Financial Reporting Council’s (FRC) UK Stewardship Code for a third year. Acceptance onto the list again highlights its focus on being a sustainable partnership as well as its ongoing commitment to encouraging and challenging its clients to be better stewards.

Comment on TPR's annual funding statistics 17 Aug 2023

Commenting on The Pensions Regulator (TPR) annual funding statistics for DB and hybrid schemes, released today, Laura McLaren, Partner & Head of DB Actuarial Consulting, said:

“The Pensions Regulator’s annual funding statistics, covering the latest tranche of submissions in the period to 23 June 2023 for valuations between September 2020 to September 2021, makes for interesting reading against the background of a changing DB funding regime.

The statistics show 38.7% of all DB pension schemes in surplus, compared with just 27% the year before. For schemes in deficit, recovery plans are continuing to shorten – the average plan is around five years.

Funding Levels have risen in UK Charities’ DB pension schemes bringing potential opportunities to reduce risk 16 Aug 2023

The combined reserves of the largest 40 charities in England & Wales that sponsor DB pensions schemes rose to £49bn in 2022 from £40bn in 2021, according to analysis by Hymans Roberson. Its report: Defined Benefit pension funding in the charitable sector shows that at the same time, there’s been a 7% rise in average funding level of the DB schemes themselves, driven by positive return on pension scheme assets. While the sector continues to face challenges from rising inflation and a cost-of-living crisis, Charities need to consider how best to fund their pension schemes and take opportunities to reduce risks as they arise.

Comment on TPR guidance update on superfunds 11 Aug 2023

Commenting on The Pensions Regulator (TPR)’s update to its guidance on superfunds, Iain Pearce, Head of Alternative Risk Transfer, Hymans Robertson, said:

“We welcome the latest update to the TPR guidance on superfunds. As the TPR states, whilst this market has a lot of potential to make a real difference to member outcomes as another route to continuing to provide benefits in full, it has yet to fully take off. The latest guidance follows the recent Government response to consultations on superfunds with a strong sense of alignment between those two updates...

£200bn of DC assets could be committed to private debt investments by 2030 09 Aug 2023

Up to £200bn of DC assets could be committed to private debt investments by the end of the decade, according to the latest analysis from Hymans Robertson, as it warns a shift in mindset is required to meet this goal. Its Illiquid Investment: Embracing the Opportunities paper published today, proposes that private debt has a role to play in all stages of a DC glidepath.

Hymans Robertson comments on today’s 0.25% interest rate rise from the Bank of England 03 Aug 2023

Commenting on today’s interest rate rise from the Bank of England, William Marshall, Chief Investment Officer – Hymans Robertson Investment Services (HRIS) says:

“The Bank of England’s (BoE) action today, shows the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has been cautiously encouraged by recent data, allowing them to increase interest rates by just 0.25%. Until a couple of weeks ago, when inflation data for June was released showing a greater-than-expected drop, it seemed the BoE was heading for another 0.5% increase. Notably, underlying inflation indicators for services and core inflation (which excludes volatile items like food and energy) also fell more than anticipated. This was enough to convince the MPC that a lower hike would be sufficient...

Hymans Robertson achieves B Corp Certification 02 Aug 2023

Hymans Robertson, the leading pensions and financial services consultancy, is proud to announce that it has achieved B Corp certification and joined the B Corp Movement. Widely recognised as a ‘gold standard’ for social and environmental performance, B Corp certification is verified by B Lab, a global non-profit network with a mission to inspire and enable people to use business as a force for good. Prospective B Corps are assessed across five key areas: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers. To gain the highly sought after accolade, Hymans Robertson was required to demonstrate high standards across all areas in a rigorous verification process.

Comment as the implementation deadline for Consumer Duty arrives 31 Jul 2023

Commenting on how IFAs’ ability to evidence compliance with Consumer Duty could be impacted by their third-party providers’ frameworks and processes, William Marshall, CIO of Hymans Robertson Investment Services (HRIS) says:

"As we reach the deadline for the new Consumer Duty regulations to be implemented, the processes and frameworks that firms have developed will start to do the heavy lifting. However, it isn’t just their own processes that advisers need to be sure that they’ve considered...

Canada Life completes their first ever deferred member buy-in 27 Jul 2023

An undisclosed pension scheme has insured the remaining benefits of its defined benefit pension scheme with Canada Life in a transaction of £58m, following a competitive tender process run by Hymans Robertson. This is the first ever deferred member transaction Canada Life has completed.

Claire O’Neill promoted to Operations Lead for the Risk Transfer team 21 Jul 2023

Hymans Robertson, the leading pensions and financial services consultancy, has promoted risk transfer specialist Claire O’Neill to Operations Lead of its Risk Transfer team.

Claire will have operational responsibility for the team which, following six experienced recruits since the end of 2022, has grown to 30 risk transfer specialists. Claire will take ownership of everything from resourcing client projects through to knowledge sharing and people development, whilst continuing to advise trustees and sponsors on their own risk transfer projects.

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Rowena Swatton
Rowena Swatton
Stephanie Stern
Stephanie Stern
Patrice Seaforth
Patrice Seaforth