
Comment on TPR’s publication of EDI guidance

28 Mar 2023

Commenting on TPR’s publication of EDI guidance, James Smith, Consultant, Hymans Robertson, says:

“It is good to see that TPR has now published this EDI guidance, a topic which did not feature significantly in the draft Single Code of Practice. High quality schemes are however already taking action in this area, integrating EDI into annual effectiveness reviews and constructing plans to widen board diversity and inclusion and to factor member EDI into decision-making. We are particularly pleased to see that TPR has included guidance for employers in addition to trustees and especially a sample job advert for a Trustee. This will provide a framework for all stakeholders in this area and help to make the moves that are needed to ensure that boards are fully meeting the requirements, and embracing, equality, diversity and inclusion.

“We also support the emphasis on the importance of the role of the Chair in ensuring a strong culture of inclusion that values EDI, and the recognition in the communications guidance that consideration of vulnerable members is an important part of membership EDI considerations. We look forward to working with TPR and the wider industry to broaden the understanding of EDI issues over time; and supporting trustees and employers on how they can take meaningful action to improve EDI issues in society through their pension arrangements.”

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