
Comment on the TPR and FCA announcement on plans to develop common Value for Money (VFM) measurements

24 May 2022

Commenting on the TPR and FCA announcement on plans to develop common Value for Money (VFM) measurements, Laura Andrikopoulos, Head of Governance, Hymans Roberson, says:

“We are pleased to see the FCA and TPR recognising the complexity in identifying a few simple metrics to compare value for money in DC pension schemes. Whilst we welcome greater transparency and consistency in this area, particularly between Trust and Contract-based schemes, an overly simple approach may give misleading impressions of value. For example, lower costs but a poorer quality investment strategy and little flexibility at retirement do not necessarily represent better member outcomes or value than a higher cost scheme. A few simple metrics won’t necessarily bring a level playing field for all DC members. It is vital that the focus is not just on cost but on long term member outcomes.”

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