
Comment on TPR guidance update on superfunds

11 Aug 2023

Commenting on The Pensions Regulator (TPR)’s update to its guidance on superfunds, Iain Pearce, Head of Alternative Risk Transfer, Hymans Robertson, said:

“We welcome the latest update to the TPR guidance on superfunds. As the TPR states, whilst this market has a lot of potential to make a real difference to member outcomes as another route to continuing to provide benefits in full, it has yet to fully take off. The latest guidance follows the recent Government response to consultations on superfunds with a strong sense of alignment between those two updates.

“A running theme of these latest documents appears to be a clear desire to have a superfund regime that works for both members and providers and a recognition there needs to be a framework that allow for significant differences in pricing between insurers and superfunds for this market to truly flourish.”

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