Press Releases

‘how’ and ‘why’ people make their decisions for later life

like minds - Picture your future film

31 Oct 2016

How and why do people make the decisions they do about planning for later life?  And with people now living much longer, what opportunities does this present?  These are questions communications agency like minds have been exploring.  Their new film, commissioned with ITN productions, and which was just launched at the PSLA Annual conference, explores these questions. 

The film highlights some of the key themes behind research they are currently conducting with the School Of Life to explore the psychological, behavioural and emotional barriers which lie behind ‘how’ and ‘why’ people make their decisions for later life.

With new pensions and long term savings legislation, the gift of new technology and the critical need to help people to gain a better understanding of their future finances, it is now time to change the conversation and get people saving for an inspirational future!

If you’d like to learn more please get in touch with​


like minds explore envisaging your future self

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