Press Releases

Hymans Robertson Foundation reaches £1million grant-giving milestone

24 Jan 2023

Over £1million of grants to charitable causes has been distributed by The Hymans Robertson Foundation, representing a huge milestone since it was first established in 2016.

The Hymans Robertson Foundation is the principal means of charitable giving for the leading pensions and financial services consultancy, Hymans Robertson LLP. With a 10-year strategic ambition to distribute £2million through charitable giving by 2026, the Foundation has reached a significant milestone of £1 million distributed to its charity and community partners. The Foundation strives to make a difference to the lives of people and communities in the UK facing disadvantage, with particular focus on helping to secure better financial futures for disadvantaged young people by supporting the delivery of financial capability and employability skills training via strategic charity partnerships.

Commenting on the latest milestone from the Hymans Robertson Foundation, the Foundation's Chair, Clive Fortes said: 

"In its short life, the Foundation has funded charities through multi-year grants across the UK that deliver vital financial education and employability support to vulnerable young people. Securing financial futures is a key priority for the Foundation and, through our funding to charities, we see the positive impact we have had on young people securing and maintaining a positive destination. On behalf of the Board, a huge thanks to our funder and to the charities we support."

The Foundation’s Bursary for young people is a key element of its mission to improve the financial futures of disadvantaged young people. In 2021/22, bursary grants were distributed via charity and community-based partners, to support young people aged 16 to 25 to remain in, or move into, education, training, volunteering or employment. The small grant funding programme covered a range of items and expenses including essential digital/data kit, travel, clothing, PPE equipment, educational materials, driving lessons, energy and food and care costs. A total of 266 young people across Scotland, North-East England, the Midlands and in London were directly supported through this scheme in 2021/22.

Commenting on the support provided by the Hymans Robertson Foundation, Katherine Bell, Corporate Partnerships Manager at The Princes’ Trust, said:

“We are delighted with the support that the Foundation has provided to the young people we work with. The Foundation’s 3-year funding commitment to us ensures we can deliver programmes aimed at securing young people’s financial futures. In addition, the Bursary Programme is one of the most flexible ways our charity can help young people. The cost-of-living crisis is increasing the barriers to accessing employment and education, for example the costs of travel, and clothing that is suitable for interviews. Recent bursary awards have covered items including monthly bus passes until first wage, clothes, and shoes for first interviews, laptops, chef whites, and fuel vouchers. This all has tremendous impact and long-term benefits.”

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