One of the biggest decisions for trustees and sponsors of UK pension schemes is knowing if, when, and how to transfer risk to an insurer or alternative provider.
Contact the teamNo matter where you are on your scheme’s journey, we can guide you to a solution that best meets your needs and delivers your members’ benefits with certainty.
We help you understand the risks facing your scheme and prioritise action to take. If risk transfer is the right choice, you can be confident that our deep market knowledge will help you get the best value.
The goal for many defined benefit (DB) pension schemes is to transfer their risk to an insurance company. Recently, the demand for risk transfer has been unprecedented. It’s more important than ever to be prepared so you’re ready to capture funding opportunities and maximise insurer engagement when you approach the market.
It’s vital to understand the insurance market. Our team bring market-leading insight:
The alternative risk transfer market is developing alongside the traditional options of buy-ins, buy-outs and longevity swaps. The UK’s first pension superfund transaction was announced in 2023 and capital-backed solutions continue to evolve. We advised on the first ever superfund transfer from PPF assessment, so we have the expertise to help you consider your options and implement them efficiently.
Hymans Robertson's expertise was instrumental in delivering this excellent result for the Fund.
Partner and Head of Risk Transfer Solutions
Partner and Risk Transfer Specialist
Partner and Risk Transfer Specialist
Partner and Risk Transfer Specialist
Partner and Head of Alternative Risk Transfer
No matter where you are on your scheme’s journey, we can guide you to a risk transfer solution.
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