

Current Issues in the LGPS - July 2024

04 Jul 2024

With the country going to the polls on 4 July, what will the next UK Government bring to the LGPS table? We examine the party manifestos for clues. In other articles, we consider nature-related investing and analyse the results of the 2023 Scottish valuations.

In this month's edition of Current Issues in the LGPS, some highlights include:

  • General Election 2024

    • With election fever reaching its zenith on 4 July, we’ve been examining the manifestos of the main political parties (including Count Binface). Our summary outlines the commitments that are most relevant to the LGPS and local authorities, in the words of each party. The minister in the new government with responsibility for local government and the LGPS will have plenty to ponder over. We wait to see how the policy direction unfolds and what impact it has on topics such as Good Governance, pooling, fund consolidation and UK investments.

  • And the survey says…

    • A big thank you to everyone who responded to our survey about how they like to consume our communications. We’ll be using the helpful feedback to shape our approach going forward, and make sure we’re sharing in a format that you enjoy! We’ll continue to bring you our regular webinars, as well as 60-second summaries and reactive communications that are as timely as possible. If you use LinkedIn please do feel free to connect to our firm-wide account to receive regular LGPS posts. We’ll be in touch shortly with those who participated.
  • Scottish 2023 valuations – Big Picture report

    • Following the completion of the 2023 valuations, we have completed our Big Picture in Scotland report. This covers the overall funding position of the LGPS in Scotland and provides some insight into the funding plans adopted across the 11 regional funds. With many Scottish funds reporting large surpluses at whole fund level, funds in England and Wales may find this an interesting read as they head towards their own actuarial valuations in 2025.

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If you have any questions on anything, or would like to discuss in more detail, please get in touch

Current Issues in the LGPS - July 2024


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