Learn more about PRISM
Arrange a demonstration to find out how PRISM can help your members with fully digital, 24/7, self-service pension management.
Fully digital, 24/7, self-service pension management for pension scheme members.
Contact the teamDigital access to information and administration services is now the norm across banking, insurance and other financial services. PRISM gives customers access to seamless, secure and intuitive self-service pension management.
PRISM is split across three applications:
Members get 24/7, fully digital self-service, while employers get the functionality needed to run schemes efficiently and cost effectively, in a service that’s as digital as you and your members want it to be.
Scheme websites carry information, provide general guidance and host scheme documents for members:
Our member site helps you keep your members are in the know, with everything they need 24/7 at the click of a button. State-of-the-art technology protects members’ benefits – access requires multi-factor authentication registration and secure log-in, every time.
Our client hub is a reporting dashboard with secure access to member records for trustees and employers.
The hub:
Arrange a demonstration to find out how PRISM can help your members with fully digital, 24/7, self-service pension management.