
Intergenerational risk sharing: it's dynamite!

19 Sep 2024

You might be wondering what intergenerational risk sharing has in common with the highly explosive substance, dynamite. Both are extremely powerful and, if not handled correctly, can lead to unintended consequences. 

We explore this comparison in our latest publication, examining the strength of intergenerational risk sharing. We also look at how CDC can potentially outperform traditional pension models, often offering higher, more regular incomes for its members. However, the design of these schemes is crucial, as the financial impacts on members play out over generations.

In a nutshell, our publication explores:

  • How intergenerational risk sharing works.
  • The benefits of the CDC model.
  • Its impact on members. 


If you have questions on anything covered in this publication, or would like to discuss anything further, please get in touch.

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