
We chat to Professional Independent Trustees (PITs) on current issues at the top of their agendas

PITstop is our one-stop-shop to give valuable market insights and explore a wide range of current issues. We cover policy, regulation, growth in technology, developments in the insurance and consolidation market as well as the impact of climate risk.

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DC Decumulation

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DC Decumulation

This edition of PITstop looks at DC Decumulation and TPR's 5 principles for what 'good' looks like. Rona Train chats with Samantha Pitt, Director at LawDebenture, on how well positioned schemes are to offer decumulation products and the challenges and opportunities of doing this. We look at how TPR is aiming to improve member outcomes, and what trustees need to consider in doing this.

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The future of professional trusteeship

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The future of professional trusteeship

This edition of PITstop looks at the future of professional trusteeship. Lisa Whitfield chats with Helen Beckinsale, Head of Relationship Management at Vidett, about the state of play for professional trustees amidst a backdrop of increased consolidation of the market, regulatory demand, and ensuring the right people are recruited for the future demands of the business.

We also look at where opportunities are coming from, and the source of these, as we move into 2024.

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Consolidation of professional trustee firms

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Consolidation of professional trustee firms

In this edition of PITstop, Patrick Bloomfield is joined by Andrew Bradshaw, CEO of IGG (formerly Ross Trustees and ITS) to chat about consolidation of professional trustee firms. With a series of mergers and acquisitions in the last few months, what's fuelling the market? And what were the motivators behind the Ross Trustees and ITS merger?

We then discuss trusteeship as a career choice, looking at the skillset needed for a good trustee, before delving into professionalisation and the regulation of trusteeship, and what role Member Nominated Trustees (MNTs) will take in the future.

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A first glance at TPR's DB Funding Code

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A first glance at TPR's DB Funding Code

In this edition of PITstop, Patrick Bloomfield is joined by Catherine Williams, Trustee Director at Vidett (formerly known as 20-20 Trustees) to discuss The Pensions Regulator's (TPR) DB Funding Code. 

We discuss what it has in store, what it means for typical schemes and hints and tips for planning for the year ahead! 

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Upcoming PITstops

We’re interested to speak with PITs on the topical pensions issues close to them and their pension schemes.

If you’d like to take part in a future PITstop then please do get in touch.