We support LGPS funds to make good decisions, deliver a high quality service and implement change.

With increasing regulatory scrutiny of funds and complexity of scheme rules, governance of the LGPS has bever been more important. Our integrated specialist team of governance, administration and project management (GAP) consultants are dedicated to providing specialist support to LGPS funds.

How we can help

We design our services with the needs of Committee and Board members, Fund officers and Fund members in mind, which is why our team is a collection of specialists. We know that to have a well-run Fund, you need to ensure that decision makers are supported with good governance, that the Fund is administered effectively and efficiently and when change is needed, that it is delivered to the highest standard.

At a practical level this could mean:

  • Reviewing the governance arrangements and policies a fund has in place to make sure they are fit for purpose and future proofed.
  • Providing easy to access, bite-size training on specific topics to ensure that those who make decisions and deal with benefits are informed.
  • Working with a Fund to review how they currently administer the Fund and supporting them to implement changes at an individual process level or wholesale restructure.
  • Advising funds on the management of a host of risks and challenges, from cyber risk and data improvement to managing projects to achieve regulatory compliance or accreditation.

The NKA provided us with a strong indication of knowledge levels and allowed us to accurately tailor our training plans. I believe it’s important to carry out this type of assessment to ensure our Fund is on track with its training goals.

Yunus Gajra - West Yorkshire Pension Fund

General Code of Practice – LGPS checker

LGPS checker for the General Code of Practice

Our General Code of Practice ‘LGPS checker’ is a comprehensive, easy to use, self-service tool, providing funds with a breakdown of specific actions expected by the Pensions Regulator. Our experts have created the tool to make it easy for you to assess the current compliance level at your Fund and produce a report at the touch of a button.

If you’re interested in this tool for your Fund, please register your interest and one of our team will be in touch

register interest

Managing risk in the LGPS

Managing risk in the LGPS hub page

If you’re involved in managing a pension scheme with over 7 million members, risk is never far from your mind. Over the course of 2023, we ran a series of LGPS risk management webinars, where we discussed how and why funds should look at risk holistically and spotlight how specific risk can be managed.

Learn more

Featured insights

For over 100 years, we’ve been embracing change, innovating and navigating uncertainty. We pride ourselves on being thought leaders and are constantly discussing the many issues facing and shaping our industry. Find our current thinking on topical LGPS issues below.


Cyber Risk in the LGPS

Across all local councils in the UK there are, on average, 8000 cyber attacks every hour. How can you evidence your approach to cyber risk and your plans for the future? We can work with you to create a consolidated Cyber Approach document.

Learn more

LGPS Online Learning Academy

Our online platform is designed to support the training needs of Pension Committees, Pension Boards and Fund Officers.

2022 National Knowledge Assessment

In this short video we explain the benefits of taking part in the 2022 National Knowledge Assessment. Want to take part? Get in touch.

Good Governance in the LGPS

In this video we explain how you can drive good governance in the LGPS.