Steven is Club Vita's Chief Data Scientist and leads a multi-disciplinary team responsible for Club Vita's longevity data analytics, modelling and thought leadership.
He joined Hymans Robertson in 2007 to design and develop the innovative longevity informatics services of Club Vita, now an industry-leading source of longevity insights. Club Vita tracks the survival patterns of 2.5m UK pensioners, around 1 in 7 of the UK pensioner population. Steven specialises in a the modelling and management longevity risk for insurers and pension schemes, with a particular emphasis on developing the next wave of innovation.
He also has significant experience in the area of Solvency II and longevity risk internal models, has published numerous papers and book chapters on longevity risk and is a member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Longevity and Mortality Research Steering Committee.