
Webinar replay

Navigating the volatile economic environment

10 Nov 2022

Recent market volatility and rising yields have led to a very significant couple of weeks for Defined Benefit (DB) schemes - but what does it all mean for trustees and scheme sponsors? And are there opportunities arising from this period of market volatility to lock in funding gains or accelerate risk transfer plans?

Watch our on-demand webinar, where our experts discussed what you can do to effectively navigate this rapidly changing economic environment.

Don’t worry if you couldn't join live, sign up anyway and you'll be able to access the webinar on-demand, at a time convenient for you.

If you have any questions, please get in touch

Key Topics
  • The impact of volatile yields on funding positions over the last few weeks
  • How investment strategies will need to change, and the future role of LDI
  • Opportunities in the risk transfer market
  • The impact for members in areas such as actuarial factors


Laura McLaren

by Laura McLaren
Partner & Head of DB Actuarial Consulting

Ross Fleming

by Ross Fleming
Co-Head of Trustee DB Investment

Paul  Hewitson

by Paul Hewitson
Actuary and Head of ESG for Risk Transfer