Product Development

Coming up with new ideas can be easy.

Our insurance experts can provide you with support and input across a full range of actuarial and risk management consultancy services. 

How we can help

Our product and pricing specialists work across the full spectrum of the product development lifecycle to ensure our clients are meeting the needs of the customer. Our data, modelling, digital and investment services help financial institutions deliver savings and retirement guidance. We also provide specialist knowledge in life, general and health insurance.

We can assist in a wide variety of digital and product-related areas including:

  • Market research and product strategy
  • Product design and pricing support
  • Consumer duty-related activities
  • Back book reviews and other conduct risk issues
  • Economic Scenario Service
  • UX design
  • Application build; and
  • Pre-built digital products and APIs

Meeting customer needs

At the heart of what people need is often a product, and your priority is to make these products attractive and fair for your customers.

Customer needs are ever-changing, and so is the landscape, so what seemed the right thing yesterday is not always the right thing today. Not only that, but it’s also important to ensure products are capital efficient, sometimes through appropriate reinsurance arrangements, to meet long term profitability.

We know how to make new products work in a tough regulatory environment and would love to work with you to conceive, develop and launch new retirement, savings and protection products. Our Product Development team can also help you review your existing products to ensure they remain appropriate in the ever-changing environment.

The key to a success is often not just about the product itself, but the full customer journey and how customers engage with the product. So ensuring that you have the right tools in place for new and existing products to engage and meet the demands of increasingly digital savvy customers has never been more important – you can learn more about our range of innovative digital tools & APIs here

We really value Hymans Robertson’s depth of experience across both retail and workplace. We’re a global firm so it’s really important they can support us outside the UK through their affiliate group – that reach is vital to us.

Andrew Marker - Vanguard Asset Services

The Decumulation Market

The Decumulation market: opportunities for providers

Download our report, where we bring together insights from our consumer research and our industry knowledge to look at the following areas.

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Digital Wealth

We help financial services institutions grow and deliver great service to their customers via a range of innovative digital tools & APIs.

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Recent award wins

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more please don't hesitate to contact Karen.

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