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Showing 31-45 of 63 Results
Governance, administration and projects
We help Local Government Pension Scheme funds make good decisions, deliver a high-quality service and implement change.
LGPS online learning academy
Welcome to LOLA – an online learning platform that supports the training needs of Pension Committees, Boards and Fund Officers.
Longevity management
Our confident, comprehensive understanding of longevity supports profitable product pricing, accurate reserving and efficient reinsurance.
General insurance
Effective insurance operations need support from trusted actuarial teams who advise on risk and capital.
Strategic asset allocation
Our strategic asset allocations (SAA) provide optimal frameworks for fund managers to develop capital growth and income fund solutions to match customer-risk profiles.
The new DB Funding Code
What does The Pensions Regulator’s revised Defined Benefit (DB) Funding Code of Practice mean for your scheme?
Fast Track or Bespoke?
Our interactive tool will help you quickly identify whether your current strategy is more suited to the ‘Fast Track’ or ‘Bespoke’ route.
Responsible investment
Responsible investment can be a catalyst for positive change in an uncertain world.
Climate change and net zero consulting
We help clients move beyond regulatory requirements to focus on action that helps them understand and mitigate climate and nature-related risks.
Corporate advisory services
Our market leading corporate advisory team are a one-stop service covering all aspects of your retirement benefit strategy.
Project and implementation management
Where do you start with large scale transformational change? When there are lots of moving parts to consider, it’s time to call on the experts.
Hear from Professional Independent Trustees (PITs) on current issues at the top of their agendas.
Risk transfer
One of the biggest decisions for trustees and sponsors of UK pension schemes is knowing if, when, and how to transfer risk to an insurer or alternative provider.
DC trustee consulting
Consulting for our own trust clients. Working together, we help defined contribution trustee boards embrace innovation.
Pensions accounting
Sometimes capital market volatility and fluctuations are unavoidable for companies sponsoring DB schemes.

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Investment team collage
Investment team collage