
Hymans Robertson retains ENEI gold award and earns Stonewall silver award recognition

02 Sep 2024 - Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

We’re pleased to announce that Hymans Robertson’s successfully retained its Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion  ENEI Gold Award for another year. This accolade underscores our continued commitment to positive progress in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as an employer. Additionally, our recent Impact Report highlights our achievement of a Silver Award from Stonewall, reflecting our ongoing dedication to fostering an inclusive workplace.

A useful self-assessment evaluation and benchmarking tool developed by the ENEI, The 'TIDE' (Talent, Inclusion, and Diversity Evaluation) process, conducted by ENEI, examines ourour approach and progress across eight critical areas of DEI. These areas include:

  • Workforce
  • Strategy and Planning
  • Leadership and Accountability
  • Recruitment and Attraction
  • Training and Development
  • Employment Practices
  • Communication and Engagement
  • Procurement

We’re honoured to have been ranked 4th out of 185 participants in the ENEI TIDE award, and securing the top position within our sector. This achievement places us among the 25 organisations awarded gold this year, a significant increase from the 15 firms recognised last year. We’re delighted at the news of fellow organisations stepping up their commitment to these important areas.Our progress within our supply chain has, in particular, been significant. Each of our efforts illustrate a positive move forward for us.

Our recognition by Stonewall is equally noteworthy. Having achieved a ranking of 132 out of 246 organisations. The feedback from the Stonewall assessment’s been invaluable, offering insights into enhancing our impact through improved communication, language, and advocacy. These insights will guide our ongoing DEI initiatives and highlight areas for further development.

These awards serve a dual purpose: they reaffirm our commitment to DEI and enhance our appeal to clients and diverse talent. They also provide a benchmark for assessing our progress and identifying areas for improvement. We’re proud of these achievements and remain dedicated to advancing our DEI efforts to foster an inclusive and dynamic workplace that benefits both employees, our clients, and external partners.

If you would like to discuss further, please get in touch.

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