

Buy-out vs run-off? A guide for companies

24 Nov 2022

Increasingly, a key consideration for companies is to establish their view on the role of risk transfer solutions as part of the DB endgame strategy. Whether this is the use of buy-ins, longevity swaps or, more fundamentally, whether the ultimate plan is to buy-out benefits when affordable.

To help companies make sense of it all, we’ve created a guide to aid understanding on how to avoid sleepwalking into a ‘de facto’ buy-out and decide whether they should be aiming for their DB pension scheme to target buy-out as soon as possible or opt for a longer-term run-off strategy. 

The guide covers key considerations for companies including:

  • To buy-out or not?
  • Avoiding sleep walking into buy-out
  • How to decide to buy-out as soon as possible or opt for a longer term strategy
  • Practical actions to take when implementing your endgame strategy

If you have any questions about anything covered, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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